
By ziggyzaggy


I love this metronome. As a child I used to love to bash out tunes on the piano while it clicked away. I know that's not a very musical way to practice, but for some reason I used to like it that way. Although it no longer works, it brings back some very fond memories. Not least of Miss Harvey, my childhood piano teacher who was a very slightly batty old woman who lived in our cul-de-sac and taught us while wearing fingerless gloves, winter coat, hat and scarf. I was only little, so I didn't really think it was unusual and I definitely loved Miss Harvey.

So today I went to Mum and Dad's on the train and Dad took my niece Anna and I to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. As well as loving Miss Harvey, I love Narnia and particularly Aslan, although Prince Caspian is quite dishy (am I allowed to admit that?!)

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