party of 5

By partyof5

Lil' L.

Today was a long and tired day. After a bad night of very little sleep for L. and me the hubby came home. Unfortunately he had been up all night at work. A co-worker of his that we both admire and enjoy is in the ICU for a very high fever and the cause right now is still unknown. The station that he works at is a very close group of guys and were there from the minute he was brought to the E.R. At least two firefighters at a time have been there the last 24 hours and will continue to be until he improves or is at least stable. We went up tonight to lend our support and sit with the family. The amount of support that the family of firefighters give to eachother is amazing. I know that everyone from the Station 4 family is worried and praying for him.
This photo was taken on my phone, while the little bit of sun that we recieved today shone in on her little face. I was surprised this even turned out since I was holding her in one arm and taking a picture with the other. Never got to even get my camera out today. Will try tomorrow. Goodnight Blip land!

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