
By mattleach

Pleased to see me?

Yet another non eventful work day today! Oh well I'm visiting sunny Slough tomorrow perhaps that will provide me with some excitement?

Rubbish photo today! The lighting is all wrong but I made the best out of it because I liked the angle of her! My beautiful Bella, staring out the window, excited to see Mrs L. return home. Best thing about dogs is their always pleased to see you!

Waited for 3 deliveries today.

1. BT Infinity modem. Arrived. Woohoo being fitted on Thursday for super fast t'internet.

2. A new lightweight, inconspicuous, around town, camera bag. Arrived. Very nice, means I can take my camera out more regularly without looking like a train spotter. I like it but got another one coming tomorrow so I'll compare and choose then!

3. A new printer. NOT ARRIVED!! Grrrr... this was the most important! I have a ton of work to do for tomorrows meeting and can't print it all off!

Update. Printer arrived but still getting the same fault as the old printer I can't print black or yellow! I think I've wasted £200 replacing a perfectly good printer when it must be my PC that's broke!! Ain't life grand!

And in the good news section, Darren Bent signing has been confirmed!

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