the blip with no name

By matt989

What the **** are you looking at?!?!

This swan is no ordinary swan, this swan is a Strathclyde Country Park swan!

He's a Hardass. a tough nut....not to be messed with! He' s the kinda swan that drinks buckfast for breakfast, who's staple diet consists of chips, deep fried pies and the occasional hot dot!

This swan steals ice-cream from children. He attacks old people and hisses at puppy dogs!

He's a purebred...bred to be tough enough to swim on the infamous Strathclyde Loch, where syringes float along like sticks and condoms litter the ground like autumn leaves!

Beware - Don't mess with a Strathclyde Park Swan!

Edit: Image changed after 8 comments as I felt I was ruining this guys reputation....too much sweetness and light not enough hardman!

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