My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972


Goodmorning Blipland.

Well we are all up bathed and dressed, Thomas and Olivia are just having breakfast and ive just got a little time to add my blip from thismornings fun bathtime.

Here is one i managed to get of Thomas with the little water sprinkles behind, he face is just a look of wonder bless him, im still trying to get one of them both together, i will get there one morning lol. But i hope you like this, i also love my water baby pics in black and white as it really makes the drops pop out.

Well we are of out soon to go and get the children some new shoes and Thomas really wants an ice cream.......dont ask me why lol he loves it any time of the year. He wants it to be summer now the the red ice cream van comes out side our house. Hes also said he wants his shorts on and his paddling pool out. Its 3 degrees here lol. He does make me laugh bless him.

Well i hope you have a lovely day and hope i picked ok with my blip today.See you tomorrow.

Vicky, Thomas and Olivia. xxx

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