Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Winter Woodland

So, the guy who was to call to the house to give me some advice about the kitchen still hasn't arrived. The doors for the larder are supposed to be here tomorrow. Anyone want to have a wager on that? The electrician isn't very interested in coming to replace the central heating timer.

Went off early this morning and bought a new timer. Fitted it myself. It is due to turn the system on in a few minutes time, so, if you never hear from me again you will know what to tell the coroner.

On the way back with the timer this morning, I stopped briefly to shoot a strange sight...a hoodie (the jacket, not the actual person) hanging on the gate of the forest just 400metres from the house. I had deliberately shot with the aperture wide open in order to throw the background way out of focus. When I looked at the shot on screen, I liked it ok, but the background looked nice, so after a savage crop, today you get just the out of focus trail and trees. Any good? That is entirely up to you.

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