jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Thought I'd give the macro lens another go. I'd taken a few pics of Ben earlier, he is so in love with his new plane that he had to take it with us to the shop. But the pics weren't great, and I wasn't happy with them although it's a record of events I suppose.

So I thought I'd give the macro another outing to see if I could get a shot of the daffodil bulbs which are sprouting again. These were a mothers' day present to me from Steve/Ben two years ago, they flowered that first year but didn't last year... mum thinks they need planting out to get more nutrients. Maybe I should feed them?

I set myself a challenge, if I can't do it in one shot then I'm using the shot of Ben with his plane. I ought to know enough about settings by now (after 6 months of fiddling and guessing and estimating and whatnot with the manual settings) to give it a good chance. Especially as it's something I can think about, it's not a grabbed shot.

I think I did ok. I got the shot I wanted - I wanted this shoot just poking its way out of the bulb. I wanted the white balance to be right, and the exposure to be as good as I could chance it with one guess. I tweaked the levels tiniest bit before posting it, and am feeling guilty about that now, maybe I should have done as Steve always tells me to and underexpose ever so slightly. Never mind. I'm happy with it as another exercise in macro.

Today has been a day of two halves. This morning I woke up happy because I had no tummy ache. In my exuberance I decided to give Ben a bath (he needed one anyway) but by the time he'd finished the tummy ache was starting to niggle again. It's grown worse over the rest of the day and I can't have another hugely early night (as in, in bed half an hour ago) because I have website work to do before I can turn in. We made it out to tesco and back, although I'm not sure if I'm actually going to get chance to make the things I want to make tomorrow to go in the freezer at this rate.

I think I can blame the late late night on Monday icing those cakes for this current tummy ache. It feels very much like the exhausted tummy ache I used to get after a weekend driving up and down from Manchester, getting in at 2am and trying to go to sleep after driving. I will be better after some extra bed rest - I shall nap with Ben tomorrow - and if not, I will see the doctor next week.

What has Ben done today...

He cuddled me this morning, and then said, "Mummy eyes brown. Daddy eyes blue!" I asked him what colour his eyes were. "Ben eyes blue!" His eyes are a curious mix of blue and brown, but the blue parts are generally bigger. I was impressed. I didn't realise he'd figured out the colour brown.

He decided around 1.30 that it was cuddle time. And fell asleep. So I popped him onto his bed and he muttered something (in his sleep) about a potty, I think. Which reminded me of last night. Lying in bed whispering with Steve about this and that, and every so often Ben would turn over and say something in his sleep. Mainly about daddy. But the best one was just an exclamation: "Cor, Daddy!!" Made us both chuckle :)

He's figuring out jigsaws more and more. There's a digger jigsaw (2 jigsaws of 6 pieces each) that lives on the kitchen table. He plays with it after mealtimes if Ste and I are still eating. We've started having to make it harder to piece together, mixing the pieces up, stacking them up in the wrong order, turning some upside down and some over. He is getting better and better at matching the pieces. (Except when he's tired, then he drops them on the floor...)

Speaking of tired, that's what I am. Get this work done and then off to bed :)

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