The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Beautiful Day

Like most of the population I've decided to try and get a bit more exercise in the New Year. Unlike most of the (sane) members of the population I allowed myself to be roped in to the Corrieyairack Challenge- 17 miles of rough terrain starting at Fort Augustus and finishing at Badaguish in the Cairngorms. All seemed like a good idea over a glass or two of wine. Still, it's not till July and there's nothing like the fear of having to be airlifted off a hill to get me out of the house and into my walking boots. This was taken on our morning walk round by the old cemetery. The hill in the background is Ben Wyvis and one day, when it's not waist deep in snow, you might get the view from the top.

Minion number one made a miraculous recovery and came bounding into our room just after five this morning demanding breakfast. As much as I love my treasured first born I'm not really quite so keen on her at this time of the morning and as glad as I am that she is no longer suffering with the dreaded lurgy I had kind of hoped that the intermediate stage of illness where they just lie on the couch and don't bother you might last just a little bit longer. Yes I am a terrible mother.

The day was topped off with a visit from the father in law who was working in Inverness. The Minions were delighted to see him but not as pleased as the husband. The father in law came bearing golf clubs and the husband spent a happy 20 minutes parading round the living room with the golf bag on his back, happily adjusting straps and investigating various pockets and cup holders (who would have thought a golf bag would need a cup holder).

Quote of the day: "look, it might be the same ham I ate the other day but I'm just not going to eat it today.Alright?" Minion number one. Attitude not affected by illness.

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