
Spent the morning driving to Edinburgh to hand in the visa application.

First had to find a photo booth to get requisite photo. That was a laugh. First find a supermarket that had one and then find five £1 coins each. Then try and set the thing up to take an OK image while not wearing glasses in case it took the picture. Blind as the proverbial bat (although I do appreciate that bats could probably have done a much better job than I did!).

Mission accomplished headed down into Costorphine to hand them in. Feels weird giving someone else your passport, but otherwise no problems there. We can pick them up again next week.

Quck lunch courtesy of MnS sandwich counter and back to Dundee as the man had an afternoon meeting. This is one of the corridors on the way in. Got to go back and take it again sometime. It's not quite as sharp as I would like but we were in a hurry. Still, I have apparently volunteered to participate in a study as a control, so chances are I'll get the opportunity sometime soon.

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