....A Thousand Words

By Lori

Peek - A - Boo

So, I got poor Neil (my partner) up at......in fact BEFORE the crack of dawn to go down to the beach to see if I could get a nice sunrise shot . It was waaaaay to early, and when we got down there the clouds were being no help at all, completely covering the light and the sun!

Luckily for me, whilst I was trying a particular viewpoint in the same vein as my shot entitled 'A day at the beach', Neil went for a wander along the sand and found this perspective.

I raced over and only had a few seconds to catch it as it was disappearing fast behind the thick clouds that loomed above. I figured while we were still there I would take some other shots around the place and ended up with the prize of being completely drenched, me, camera, tripod and all. :(

For all the effort, I hope you enjoy :)

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