
By macjournal

'The Birds'

This is a clear view of just one of THOUSANDS of Black Birds in the highest branches of a 6 story oak tree. (Upon closer examination, I saw 7 more! Can you find them?) It put me in mind of the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock movie 'The Birds'. Inspiration for the movie was a novel written in 1952 by Daphne du Maurier.

In the story, a wealthy San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to the small Northern California town of Bodega Bay. It slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people there in increasing numbers and with increasing viciousness. Ornithologists projected theories as to the nature of the odd events but many saw it as signs of the apocalypse.

I heard the most uncanny volume of bird calls, loud enough to be heard through closed windows, a heating unit and over the splashes of water in my dishwasher. I found these birds had decended upon the top canopy for what was obviously a heated business meeting. The ground was being rained on my twigs and excriment...quite a challenge getting near enough for a photo since I was already dressed and ready for my day.

Click here to see more of part of the massive flock

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