The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Living Doll

Minion number one had a birthday party to attend this afternoon and as the husband was off to play his first round of golf of the year (he said this as though he was really hard done by- we're only 3 weeks into 2011) Minion number two was brought along to gatecrash. With the dry weather I decided it might be a nice idea to walk the two and a half miles to the village hall. Minion number one disagreed and announced that if I made her walk she would make a point of moaning the whole way there. Well that was like a red rag to a bull and I made we walked more out of spite than anything else. True to her word she whinged the entire way. None the less, I think I can claim victory on that one.

The party was great and all the kids seemed to enjoy themselves. The girls took a real shine to Minion number two and spent a good deal of the time sitting on the floor passing her from one lap to the next. Minion number two soon got fed up of this game and when I went to rescue her I was greeted with cries of "I've not had a turn" from several wannabe mummies. Still, I took her away before her mild discontent escalated to disgruntled biting.

This is Minion number two yelling at me for confiscating the camera. She is already displaying a real temper. Must be the hair.

Quote of the day: "Do you think they could make marmalade beer? Then you could have beer for breakfast." The husband. You can take the boy out of Glasgow...

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