
AKA someone forgot her memory card when she went out today.

I was going to take a shot of the journal page but I liked the chaotic still life my desk was. Bell jars, rubber stamps, skulls, dolls,birdcages and jars of squids. see what else you can make out. I'm not a tidy person.

You wouldn't know it, but I have been tiding today. I have started the slow and painful process of clearing out my room for the Nut. I had to throw out my redstone diaries but this was too painful and I removed all the good pages and rebound them as one volume to use as my next journal. I stopped buying Redstone Diaries when the paper turned crappy and acidic, I was outraged. I didn't check what the paper was like this year. I used to get them for £1 in about march, they still have the labels on the front.

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