
This is Katy my sister pulling a face as she always does when I point the camera at her.

I wanted to get a picture of Sheena but I haven't been in an enthusiastic photographing mood of late and we haven't seen Sheena in a long time.

Sheena was part of the crowd we hung about/socialised with years ago before everyone started having babies, moving away, getting married (me and kevin just had the baby......none of the rest).

My sister has known Sheena for a year or so but it never occured to me that the sheena she knew was the sheena we knew.

It was one day just before christmas, my sister was just chatting when she mentioned sheena.... "You know Sheena from down the road...........Irish girl blah blah blah............well you know she used to be a dancer.............blah blah blah..........going home for christmas.......Dundalk.....blah blahblah........"

I said " Sheena?...........dancer?.........dundalk?.........I know that girl"!

Then Katy marched us over to Sheena's house and sure enough.......there she was standing in her doorway...............Sheena the dancer from Dundalk, Ireland with her beautiful little boy.

So today they all came over. We had food, lots of wine, then went outside and jumped about on the trampoline and had teeeaaa.

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