Colin Parte

By ColinParte


Thanks you very much to all those Blippers who kindly commented on yesterday's picture of my new grandson. What a nice bunch of folk!

A colleague was good enough to bring his father in law's old Fujica ST-605 film camera into work to show me as he knew I had an interest in photography. It had sat in a garage for almost twenty years before it was recently rediscovered. Of course, I immediately thought that it might make a good subject for a Blip!
I have borrowed it for a few days so that I can shoot it properly as I'd like to try a few different settings and filters on it.
I must say that after using a digital camera for so many years, I cannot imagine ever going back to film. Apart from the horrendous cost of developing photographs from film, the sheer handiness of digital photography and of course, the opportunity to change/correct your images is incredible.
Despite this, I love the physical action involved and the sense of actually *doing* something when taking a picture with this Fujica. The heaviness of the shutter action and the noise the delayed release makes as it winds down is marvelous. It brought back a lot of memories!

The Fujica ST-605 was first released in 1976, for those that may be interested in such details.

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