Craft & Life

By Aluap

Change of Tyre Needed

My car is due for it's MOT very soon. Usually have the yearly service and the MOT done at the same garage for the convenience. When i checked my tyres this morning i noticed that the front drivers side tyre looked like it needed air.

Toddled off to local tyre supplier to get the air sorted, the guy told me that the walls on two of my tyres were quite bad and could do with replacing. Decided to get a second opinion so after lunch at our favourite greasy spoon we went to our other local supplier.

The guy there was really helpful and told us that only one tyre was so bad it needed replacing immediately, the other tyre can be changed in the next few months. Got it done straight away because as you can see from the picture it was really bad. Took macro shots of the tyre and this was the clearest but doesn't show the worst damage.

Decided to book my car in for it's MOT too as because i purchased a tyre i get a discount on other services they provide. Saving £13 off the price i usually pay so that will enable me to also get the car waxed at the same time as it's service.

Money wise i don't enjoy this time of the year as i have to pay for the cars service, MOT and any repairs. Good job i saved up this time.....

Hope you all had a good Saturday and are looking forward to a lazy, relaxing Sunday, take care:-)

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