
By HarryJ

Filled with good intentions.....

What's that phrase again? "The road to ruin(?) is filled with good intentions?"
I can't remember exactly and I can't be bothered to look it up right now, but the reason I mention it is that ...(drum roll).... I STARTED MY DIET TODAY!
Yes, my diet.
I like fruit, I like "healthy" shi stuff, but I also like bacon sandwiches, and french fries. You know, chips!
This diet I'm on allows me to have bacon, but bread and potatoes are an absolute no-no. So a chip butty is right up the swanee with the bacon sarnie for a start.
Now, before you ask, i have want to lose about 20lbs. And as long as I see some progress, I'll be quite happy.
So why am I dieting? It's either that or go and spring for a whole bunch of new clothes, and I'm far to cheap to do that. After all, my wardrobe is filled with three different weight classes already, and I won't have four. I just won't!Wish me luck!

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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