Darrell K Morris

By darrellkmorris

I Left My Heart...

I think I was possibly bored for a time this afternoon while I was cooking. That or i was just excited about the novelty of having the windows steamed up, that I decided to get creative and started drawing all over them. Sadly, most of my (surprisingly decent) drawings didn't survive long enough for me to capture them for posterity. Except for this one.

Seems apt as I went to see Two For The Road at the BFI. If you watch the trailer you'd think you were watching a pretty standard rom-com when in fact you are watching the break-up of a relationship through a series of flashbacks, set against the beauty of French countryside and Riviera. So, except for telling that you it stars Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney, don't believe the trailer. It doesn't give you the full story. Go see it, watch it on youtube or track down a dvd. It's well worth it.

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