You're Killing Me Smalls

By janewayoda

The Fisherman and His Soul

And his Soul that was within him called out to him and said,
'Lo! I have dwelt with thee for all these years, and have been thy servant. Send me not away from thee now, for what evil have I done thee?'

And the young Fisherman laughed.
'Thou has done me no evil, but I have no need of thee,' he answered. 'The world is wide, and there is Heaven also, and Hell, and that dim twilight house that lies between. Go wherever thou wilt, but trouble me not, for my love is calling to me.'

~Oscar Wilde

Well as the day was busy I did not have time to take many photos...and in fact until I picked up my book I had forgotten about my blip for the day. When I set up the camera for a picture I was tempted to find a book that would make me look smart :P But I went with what I am reading instead....not the best of blips but I refuse to miss a day.

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