Just looking..

By ccleeve

Floral Hall, Royal Opera House

Did one of the things I'd always wanted to today - a backstage tour of the Royal Opera House in London. Sadly we weren't allowed to take photos anywhere but the public area, but it was a fascinating tour and we saw the props team working on 3D things - props cover both items you can carry in your hand, and any 3D part of the scenery - for the new Anna Nicole opera. No ballet dancers around (ballet being my particular interest) but we did hear part of a rehearsal for the Magic Flute. I love the atmosphere in theatres, particularly during the day when it's just a working building with no audience... magical!

Also went to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Natural History Museum - my annual treat and chance to dream. One photographer had managed to get four photos in the exhibition, and a couple of the young photographers whose work was displayed were previous winners. The photos were stunning and the whole experience very enriching and calming. For an hour or two I escaped to a different place - or rather many different places as the photos come from across the globe.

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