Life Naturally

By lifenaturally

The Art of Lampwork Glass

Several days ago Randy's Journal posted a photo of a piece of lampwork glass art. I was so entranced that I asked if the artist, son Roger, sold his work. Yes he does, came back the reply. I ordered the little clamshell that is featured above and it arrived safely just in time for today's blip.

For reference, the little glass clam is about 1 1/2 inches x 1 inch x 1/2 inch.

Knowing that natural sunlight would bring out the best in the marvelous range of colors
I posed it on my somewhat dusty windowsill. No one photo really does this lovely little piece of art justice, so there are more photos taken from different angles here.
The clamshell is designed to be a pendant with a little loop for hanging from some sort of necklace. Will study awhile before I commit to making a piece of jewelry with it. For now, I just like to look at it and feel it's curvy form!!

Please let me add that one of the very best things about blipfoto is that it is not commercial, so I hope no one takes offense at the mention of commerce. I just find it a nice commentary on the blip community that we can share so much across many miles and often across continents and oceans!

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