Too old to die young

By msh


Well, our house is in scaffolding front and back and our roofers are not hanging about. They have been working at a steady pace and are doing a grand job.
One of them did not mind having his picture taken. He asked if he could let his dog into the garden as it was lonely in the car. As our garden consists of decking and slabs, dogs are welcome any time. It turned out to be a fantastic border collie, she wants to be played with all day. I really wanted to catch them together but our roofer did not want to spend the time and it was all I could do to take his portrait. He has one of those wonderful faces, the result of working for many years outside in all weathers.

Although we had a lovely week in Spain, it is good to be back home. The car went to the garage and they need her for a few days to repair all that's wrong with her, Ouch.

W. continues to be poorly and is feeling very off colour. He does not want to go to bed and refuses to take the stuff that makes me feel better. He is just much happier wallowing. It's the way men deal with colds. Women don't have time for that kind of thing. (I'm only hoping I won't get floored by a real ailment and have to eat my words!)

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