Roly's Life

By Roly


I very nearly went off theme today - Bella is taking part in a "Public Speaking" competition for the local schools as I type. She had to have her tea as soon as she came in from school (after walking home on her own!). I took a couple of photos but they weren't great - a nervous 9 year old with a mouthful of pasta carbonara does not a good blip make.

****UPDATE**** Bella and her team won - they were 1st! I am a very proud Mummy tonight :-D

Unfortunately small children are not allowed so I am at home with the small 2, Ally is at a birthday party and Ben has ducked out of work early to go with Bella. This is a good thing really as it is Brownies tonight and Toddlers tomorrow so I have to get organised.

The theme is work - as a "Stay At Home Mum" I could have blipped the ironing pile, the pots waiting to go into the waiting to be emptied dishwasher, one of Reddy's pooey nappies, well I think you get the idea.

However, this feels a bit like work to me - thinking up exciting crafty things to do to entertain 7-10 year old girls and a bunch of toddlers - I love it really well most of the time anyway

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