It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

O this gift

This was the funny coincidence I mentioned yesterday... when going through my school stuff I found this poem that was given to me by my teacher... I can't remember his name though :( anyway, the date on the back of it is 25th January 1991... 20 years ago today!

Where has time gone?!?

Maybe it was this that prompted the little rhyme I blipped yesterday from my school book... who knows!

I'm wondering if it should say 'skies' rather than 'sky' as it would then rhyme with 'rise'

And yes Sarah, you got it, I went to a Steiner school :), until it closed anyway :( ...

Thanks for looking :)

oh and I hope this doesn't break any rules... the black border bit is just the background I put it on to take the picture...

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