Club 107

By club107

and that is roughly what I mean, I guess ....

Often, I wonder what it would be like to do a job which involved saving lives, a living on the edge kind of existence, where a sense of satisfaction is slightly more tangible than some virtual accomplishment. When I was very young, I had great aspirations to be a dustbin man, as they got to stand on the back step of a dustbin lorry. When I was three or four, I thought this rather impressive. I used to bump into dustbin men on my travels early in the morning, don't seem to see them any more, our paths never seem to meet. What struck me about them these days or the last time I saw some dustbin men, was the way they ran down the street between bin tip ups, they looked extremely organised and extremely healthy. Another profession to whom I take my hat off.

So today we discussed a variety of things, recent arrivals from abroad starting bank accounts in the UK, the hoops they need to jump through to join some banks left me speechless, configuration schmonfigurations, pipes and commas, responsiveness, latency, batency and greatincy, ah the world of widgets is indeed an enthralling one.

By my calculations, this is my first photo with my new phone, which in certain respects means I do not have to carry round a bag with a camera and two lenses, a major relief, I guess my camera is enjoying the break also.

Badminton tonight was very quiet, need to drum up reinforcements. Feast or famine in terms of players.

Nearly in shorts today, a scorcherama up to

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