Holiday ride

Woke up to a lot of vivid and rather interesting dreams. I like how dreams are without boundaries, how they coalesce and blend without regard to consciousness. I also like the way the mind is stimulated when we try and understand our dreams a little better.

Today is India's Republic day and offices are closed. Decided to go for a ride, the 40 km road ride on what can be called the home turf. Didn't see much change, except for a bit of wear 'n' tear on the road after the Commonwealth games and some broken glass all along the way. It was all grey. A cloudless grey sky and a grey haze which was the excuse for sunlight. Much of the little plants and red flowers were grey too, filmed over with a layer of dust. It isn't really a landscape that endears itself to the viewer, but there are green fields at a distance. I am glad they look green under the polarizing glasses, but not so much through the lens. Of course midday doesn't bring the best light with it. Not a whole lot made me want to pick the camera up, except for a few shepherds walked down the lanes with their herds and bright red turbans before a green background. I wanted a quick ride today, wanted to give the body a bit of a shake and had little time to stop. My time was pretty much in the same range as it was before I left but this is hardly the road for any real test.

When I did arrive at the point I would turn back from and took the camera out, I was immediately surrounded by a group of young men, gawking at someone in bicycling gear. I was quite the freak-show! With music in my ears, I wasn't in the mood to humour them, so took a couple of random shots before the return journey. Was hoping to encounter the shepherds which could have made for a more interesting blip, but they were nowhere to be seen.

In India, it becomes important to have an active imagination.

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