Settling Down

By sloeginlin

After the Funeral

This is a picture of Laura and her cousins and her Aunt.

Very odd situation, I blipped yesterday, about the trauma of the funeral. I did go on a bit I suppose!!!! I just said it as it was.

I published the blip, saw it as a thumbnail, saw it had been viewed many times, saw it on my facebook.

Then when I looked this had gone. The moderators say that none of them have removed it and I know that I certainly havent.

How odd is that?

The funeral was awful, Laura's dad went to shake her hand!!! His wife tried to ignore Laura. She ignored me with a suck of her teeth. I made her shake my hand!

In the eulogy her dad said that he was the last of the family. Strange that his daughter and his nephews were sitting there. Everyone was horrified. He didnt even mention that Joanne had grandchildren.

He has been manipulated over the last twenty years and has changed. Such sadness. He wants nothing to do with his daughter. I feel her pain so much.

The best thing to come out of yesterday was the above picture and seeing the rest of the 'non-existant' family again. They have all become so much closer after all this.


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