Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Cover art.

This is Daisyglaisy building The Lorelei's new album cover.

The idea was her concept. Its going to be called "Faces".

The cover will simply be a collection of folks faces who have a significant connection to the members of The Lorelei. Amazingly we have over 500 now. The album is to be released in May but since this idea our boss, Captain Tom, has employed Daisyglaisy to do all the artwork/publishing/posters for all the Fat Hippy releases in the foreseeable future. It's great cause she is getting, unexpectedly, paid but a serious commitment in addition to working, family and crafting life!!!

Lots of work ahead I mean fitting over 500 faces onto a CD cover is a thankless task!!! Mind you at least she doesn't have to try to make us, the band, look good..... Another thankless task ....ha ha ha.

So to you Daisyglaisy. Thank you for all the hard and sometimes frustrating work you've done and no doubt will do and thanks for letting me pretend to be a rock star more than ever this year.

Thanks for looking.

ps- was mucking about with post processing and just liked this.

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