
By ciao

Down the alley

This afternoon I spent a few hours walking around San Francisco with my camera. Saw some very different areas, it's amazing how quickly you can go from rich parents collecting their children from Cathedral school in Range Rovers to people lying passed out on the street and crazy folk talking to themselves. San Francisco is great, brilliant city, but the gap between the rich and poor is all too clear.

This shot is from one of the richer areas. I had decided to take photos in B&W only for a while, but in this case I think the colour is important. I had my mind set on street photography, and saw plenty of great opportunities. But to take the photo in those situations you need to have no issues with invading the privacy of other people. In these photos (others are on flickr) the people are not on display, and this will do for me, street photo-wise.

Close call between this photo and this one.

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