From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Gunnera flowers

A dear friend bought over a huge box of gunnera flowers for my birthday to help decorate the room for my 50th party.

Gunnera like to have very wet feet, and so they are very rare up here were the soils are sandy, and the rain percolates quickly through.

He is understandably very proud of his magnificent stand of gunneras and to be given a big box of their flowers for my birthday was quite something.

They're stunning - I love 'em!

P.S. Thank you to those kind folk who enquired about my camera - I have sweated over the last 48 hours waiting for the camera store to open (after the public holiday) to pronounce my camera alive or dead. Fortunately, we live again!! Lens cap and uv filter only needed replacing. I promise to be more careful. I promise to be more careful. I promise . . . . .

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