
By blipblog

Minor tweaks

We've got three small site updates to tell you about (nothing too nerdy this time, you'll be glad to hear)...

1. EXIF data is now clickable

Click on the camera model, aperture, shutter speed, focal length or ISO at the bottom of any entry and we'll show you all other entries with the same data. (Try it now - we've included EXIF data on this Blipblog entry.)

As we gather more and more EXIF data, we plan to expand this and allow searches for combinations of data (like 'all images taken with a Canon 5D at 17mm'), but in the meantime get clicking and give us some feedback in the comments below.

2. Edit and delete entries on the entry page

We've removed the 'edit entry' option from the left hand menu, because the page it took you to was a bit confusing and we've received a lot of questions from contributors who didn't reallse they could delete their own entries.

If you click on 'show options' at the bottom of any entry you've uploaded in the last five days, you'll now find a new option below 'edit entry' called (amazingly) 'delete entry'.

3. One year ago

Now that more and more people are hitting the big 365, we thought it might be interesting if you could quickly jump back a year in that person's journal and see what they were up to a year ago.

We've rather subtly tucked this feature away in the 'options' menu for the time being, but do intend to make it a much more prominent feature that you can enable on your journal. Once again, give it a whirl and let us know what you think. (Naturally, the option only appears if that journal contains an entry on the same day last year.)

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