
By flying

Bush or Bushed!

Botanical name: Nothofagus solandri var. solandri
Common name: Black Beech
Maori name: Tawai Rauriki

The Black Beech is Endemic to New Zealand (found only in New Zealand)

Daughter E and I went bush today, we are now bushed!!

Daughter E is in her last few days of holidays, schools back Monday, working Sunday, out with friends tomorrow so a quiet little drive to Glentui it was. It was most enjoyable amongst the tall beech trees with their black trunks and branches reaching to the sky, listening to the birds and a quiet stroll. We did the Waterfall track but were disappointed as we couldn't see the waterfall due to overgrown native plantings - next time we hope to do the Glentui Loop track which should take us down to the river.

The Black Beech is a large forest tree (H 25m) often in large exlusive stands, with rough grey bark, frequently covered in black mould resulting from the honeydew of aphids that feed on the sap. Leaves are small, to 40mm, dark green above and paler below. Flowers are small and inconspicuous.

Apologies for not commenting, our server has been quite unreliable - I hope tomorrow will be a better day and I can catch up with your journals.

After a very sleepless night last night and feeling a little drained from yesterdays migraine, I think I will hit the sack and bid you goodnight.
I should sleep well after our bush walk today - I hope :))

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