Dave Akerman

By daveake

The Sun Has Gone (and so has my tooth)

A long fight to keep a particular tooth in my mouth was lost when the root canal job failed (on holiday - don't you just hate it when that happens?). A root canal specialist investigated and declared that it couldn't be saved, so today I went back to my usual dentist for the extraction.

This was the first time I'd had a tooth removed under local anaesthetic rather than general, so I was a bit apprehensive, but my dentist is very good and it all went smoothly.

So with a gaping hole that the tooth had vacated, I thought I'd get my blip done before the anaesthetic wears off and I try to sleep it off! So I took a short walk across the village green waiting for the sun to go down and the colours to come up. Here's the result. It's 3 images merged with Photomatix, though actually the "correct" exposure shot is almost as good. The colours and especially the blue sky are better in this one.

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