Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

One day, as I was leaving work, I heard the faint whimpering of an animal.
I went to investigate and found what i first thought was a very big rat.
When I looked closer though, I realised it was a tiny kitten - wet, dirty, hungry and clearly in a bad way.

Well I'm a dog man, and never really liked cats. Never liked the way they seem to know what you're thinking, and seem to think they're above you.
Only the coldest of people could've walked away though, so I scooped her up, plopped her in a cardboard box, and took her to a nearby vet.
In all honesty I thought I could pay some money to have her put down, just to stop her suffering - she was in that much of a mess. I was half expecting her to stop breathing before I even got there.

It was quite the surprise then, when they washed her, pumped her full of drugs and handed her back to me, telling me to bring her back the next day.
From there on in it was blatent pet adoption cliche. My girlfriend and I were in love with her by morning, but when we took her back to the vet he told us the outlook was bleak.
When he reminded us it's illegal in Korea to bury a dead cat, and that you have to throw it out with your regular trash, we knew we were in trouble.

Miraculously though, the cat pulled through. She'll be a year old next month.
We named her Soo Yo, short for Sooyo il, the Korean word for Wednesday - the day we found her at deaths door.

And so this dog man became a cat man too.

We're going travelling soon and will have to say goodbye for a while.
It aint gonna be easy.

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