Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

Counting Train

All of them transfixed.

Our flushed and teething little-ones had a relatively calm day. Trip into town and a full day of meals in the high chairs. Unlike last night, Joe was not a happy boy, but he eventually went off at about 9pm.

After a great start to the year we missed a blip yesterday and I was going for the 365 in a row. Oh well.

Work is getting interesting, this new English Baccalaureate means that all of a sudden Humanities subjects (of which I am head of) are massively important. Thank you Mr Gove. If you are reading this Michael, make RE part of 'Humanities' and do it quickly, Year 9 students all over the country in the next few months are making their decisions for GCSE, not really fair game to let them do this and then move the whole entire pitch, goalposts and all.

To quote Uncle Ben "with great power comes great responsibility", shame it's not the other way around. Then I might look good in a skin suit.

The climbing buildings would be cool as well. :-)


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