Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Street Scene

Popped out to pick up my lunch today and just shot this while I was walking back to the office...too many of my recent blips have been in the dark or in the home because it's got to evening time and I realise I haven't taken a photo:-(

I start off each day with the intent to get out for 20 minutes at lunch time and then events transpire to thwart that or probably more accurately in my head events transpire to thwart that...I need to get over that...20 minutes fresh air and I'd be more productive in the afternoon.

Realised at lunch today that I hadn't seen the wee fella since Wednesday! Early starts and late finishes:-( When I spoke to Mr R at lunch time he asked him if he wanted to speak to was a resounding NO! Good job I have a thick skin;-)

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