Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

night nights

Too many cute pictures to choose from today, but I loved the cheeky expression on Miss Pink as she was playing "night nights" with the fleece "blankets" this afternoon. It's a game which involves one small person, a fleece "blanket" and small person putting the blanket over them and saying "night nights"!!!! She loved it though and spent ten minutes playing it without getting bored!!

We went out for lunch today with a group of friends, mainly to celebrate some very exciting news. One our friends is pregnant, and it's a much wanted baby, following a long and hard journey with IVF. This baby has decided it would be made the "normal" way, which makes it even more of a little miracle. Prayers please for this little one to arrive safely in August.

Master Pink had his giant yorkshire puds again, and Miss Pink is following in her Daddy's footsteps and loving gravy - lots of it!! As my cardigan will prove!

Miss Pink's new words today are: bunty (bunny) and Aidan (her friend)

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