
Ok, so perhaps an other uninspired blip but it was dreach outside today and despite an amazing nights sleep last night I was falling asleep on the couch at 9. Managed to get on with another paragraph or two of my essay. Think I'm really going to go for it tomorrow though. TSP came to the house again today for a wee visit as he was asked to pick Matt up from the airport. I think sometimes people forget he's not a taxi driver...
Anyway we made chocolate chip cookies but left them in the oven just that bit too long so now just have biscuits - but they have chocolate in them so all is well!
Oh and this is one of the many pretty things TSP got me for my birthday last week. Its a buttercup stacking ring, so it fits nicely alongside the butterfly ring he bought be in the summer last year. Like I said, he spoils me rotten!

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