
By nzsaico

Super Heroes!

Last night was my boarder (and soul sister)'s 21st birthday party! We drank a lot, had laughs, danced the night away and I even got up and said a wee speech... very nervously and under the influence, but hey it's the thought that counts right?

Today it was the kids part of the party, and we had some kai in the park with her friends and family. We brought along the face paints and I said I would do them.. which is a little silly really because I don't have an artistic bone in my body, and I'd never done face painting before but kids don't care too much haha.

This is my boy, and his friend with their favorite super hero faces. My boy with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and his friend as spider man. Please note by the time I managed to get a photo it had been on several hours and was already starting to come off :)

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