Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


...does he get his energy from?

Six hours of gymnastics in the past 36 hours, a dog walk, a bike ride and still he's going strong. If I could bottle his energy I'd make a bloomin' fortune.

He's been practising front somersaults. He's on a mission to land them perfectly before next week's gymnastics session and I am pleased to declare that he came to find me to tell me that he can now land a perfect sommie (you have to get the lingo's important) 19 times out of 20. And he doesn't feel sick at all. This last bit he was particularly proud of!

Now he wants to learn a birani. Not sure if that's how you spell it. I keep telling him I thought that was a type of curry (because it annoys him ;-)

The DVD of the Christmas gymnastics show arrived this week and he's watched it obsessively, looking for ways to improve his technique. So bouncy *and* with OCD...and starving apparently, so I'm off to liberate the steak and ale pudding from the steamer!

Forgot Sub Sunday earlier. Check out stoppauserewindplay. The family portrait of a couple of days ago is uber cool.

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