Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

Big Garden Birdwatch

Weekend of 29th/30th Jan is annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, so today I set my camera up on the tripod with a wireless remote to try and take some snaps ... found out that it was hard to do the remote stuff as I had no idea what was in frame - think I'll have to try an improvised hide next :-)

Here is my favourite shot, its a Coal Tit tucking into some peanuts.

Did the bird count bit between 13:30 and 14:30 and have submitted my count on-line.

For the record, the scores on the doors for me this year were:

Blackbird - 3; Blue Tit - 2; Carrion Crow - 2; Chaffinch - 2; Coal Tit - 1;
Great Tit - 1; Hedge Sparrow - 1; House Sparrow - 13; Herring Gull - 5;
Robin - 1; Tree Sparrow - 2; Wood pigeon - 2.

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