Metro Sculpture

Pigeon's eye view of a Metro platform in Lyon (at the Saxe-Gambetta station; I did not have time to seek out information on the sculpture).

After our strenuous walk yesterday in Vieux Lyon, we had a lazy morning and then a visit to the Center for the History of the Resistance and the Deportation. Lyon was essentially the center of resistance to the German occupation of France during the Second World war. The center's presentation is meticulous, in a series of dark passages with illuminated texts and illustrations.

There is also a series of extraordinary photos from the Lodz ghetto in Poland (1940 to 1944) by Henryk Ross, a Jewish inmate charged with taking photographs for identification and propaganda purposes; he survived and managed to preserve many images, which he did not make public during his lifetime.

The blip is not as sharp as it should have been--in haste with my point-and-shoot I left the ISO at 200, but I like the vivid perspective, even in its slightly blurred state.

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