
By gilliebg


I was really sorry to hear that Joan Thirlaway has had photographs stolen from this site, and that due to the intransigence of those who make the rules, has left blipfoto and taken her lovely pictures with her. Who knows who else might have had this happen? Joan only found out by accident. I am not a computer wizard by any means, but it would seem that since it is possible to copy the large format here, if you do not want your pictures to be at risk, link them to large at a safer site. Oh! Wait! That is what EZ did and he was sent packing! But many others do it with impunity , (I can think of about a dozen without trying), so I am sure you'll be fine. Alternatively, post them in a small file format, and keep the originals at home. A small file will not enlarge well, so hopefully will not be worth stealing.

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