
By mandygf

the final countdown....

..... this is the last Sunday that my teen will be 12.....

next Sunday the real teen lands...... & even more bother will follow..... oh lucky me.... she's so excited about getting to start her blip, she has even been deciding what her first one will be, so watch this space......

finished the invites today & her friends loved them... so much for "I'm not using those" she's eating her words now....

we were invited to the in laws for tea tonight, cooking was the last thing on my mind, as I spent the whole day ironing & still have a basket full, & still have 2 loads of washing to do.....

Another busy week ahead of me, all the bits & pieces to get done before the teen party on Saturday, I will have to bake 2 cakes, one for the party & the other for family coming over on Sunday....

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