late snow

talking to my mother on the phone last night when i realised it was snowing - thankfully it hasn't come to much - i love to see it, but really needed to get to glasgow to work today, can't afford any more time off!

pretty with birdie footprints tho :-)

been a while since i was over in the glasgow office (early december), the paper's had a redesign/repositioning since then - tomorrow is the first new-look issue. tough week for the team (they didn't know til midweek that they weren't going on strike) and tough to get this thing just right - a work in progress is the best description of this first issue, but i think it might work. i hope it does, the title deserves to stay in the market imho (never mind i want to keep the work! was v worried about that before xmas but it could work out as there are so few staffers now - voluntaries and compulsories the week before xmas too - that casuals might be the main workforce). turned out to be a quiet day as it was all hands on deck, but a very SH splash for issue one of the new version, so it wasn't a bad day in the end.

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