Look again...do you see?!

By edwardtillard


Now I'm turning pages in my life story, but mine is more like a song, it has chorus "chapter" that it always comes back to, one that you never forget, because its the catchy part of the song. This chapter is of course titled HAPPY :)

Happiness is what everyone seeks and is what we should all remember and search for...now i'm not admitting I'm the happiest I have ever been, but i've been living an unhappy chapter recently, one which I would rather not have had to read, but that is the thing with a story, it doesn't make sense if you miss bits out even if you make not like what you are reading.

As I said I'm now reading chapter "HAPPY", and more because I have faith, not in god but in people and my beliefs. I am a true believer in karma and I have doubted her ways from time to time, but I know if I really believe, the plot to the story will unfold in front of me :)

And as I said people, I have faith in them because I feel that everyone, for however great their faults may be, has a good heart deep down which has a catalyst that sets it off...controlling where there good heart takes them is down to everyone around them :)

So yes I am happy and the more people I can make happy the happier I will be, whether it is a hug, smile, laugh, nod, wink, wave...happiness has so many forms but all it does is good :)

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