
By middleman


Freezing cold and a howling wind across the park all day, but at one point the sun broke through and made the tree tops look like they were floating.

Quite a busy day of the usual domestic stuff. Decent swim in the morning in between drop-offs and collection and then some nice time with friends round after school for tea-drinking and bun-baking. Grown-ups chatted, children played.

Loving walking around with decent headphones on once again, trying out some favourite heavy, dense ambient blasts from my German-admiring past and some of Burial's brilliantly produced material. It's probably referred to as 'vintage dubstep' these days because in the fast-moving dance world with ever changing genre cross-pollinations and hybrids it's almost antique. But what an antique! Hugely influential, at the time unique and once again, with imitation being the sincerest form, etc a lot of other stuff that came after soon sounded remarkably Burial-esque.

So, summat from the classic Untrue album and a remix he did for Thom Yorke.

And, with those percussive woodblock sounds ringing in your ears, that's me. Over and out.

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