Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Running to the Sea

Whoopee! The car flew through its Roadworthiness Test this morning, so that's that problem put to bed until this time in 2013. Now I'm waiting a delivery of central heating oil. The company has a truck broken down, so I have to await the replacement.

Terrible congestion on the line last night. It was taking so long just to get through to Blipland, not to mention waiting up to 5 minutes for comments to go through, that I had to pack it in. Hope to get to your shots later on in the evening.

To celebrate the car passing the test I drove out to a spot called Pennycomequick Bridge. No, that's not an Irish story, it really is called that. I have no idea who Penny was, nor whether she was a fast warmer upper (joke!) or not. Perhaps it refers to the old and much lamented coin, the penny, or pingin in the Irish language. I have had my eye on this spot for a long time but although it's no more than 6 miles from here, I have never taken the trouble to stop by and shoot a photo. It's also not easy to get parked in a safe spot since it's a bridge in the middle of a curve in a road which is barely two car widths wide. Found an obliging farm gate to park in but of course being morning time and facing East, I was shooting straight into the sun. I have tried to avoid a complete silhouette, so what you see is what you get.

For anyone interested in the location, this bridge is about 2 miles North of Arklow on the road to Brittas Bay.

The oil man has just arrived. Back to you all later.

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