
By CleanSteve

The Bluebell Creeper has a visitor

As the last few days, and more. were rather exacting, I am keeping it simple today. I have been very busy doing very little, successfully.

I did follow the sun out into the garden, but it was inside where I found one of the two Amaryllis buds, rapidly growing up through one of my favourite plants, a Sollya Heterophylla. Commonly known as the Bluebell Creeper, the Sollya has a profusion of tiny gentian blue flowers throughout the late spring, summer and autumn|! These transform into the seed pods which you can see here, hanging down in these lovely clumps, showing how the flowers were arranged originally. The focus here is on the Hippeastrum, whose common name is Amaryllis, which originates from tropical South America, but my heart is with the Sollya, whose flowers I will definitely be showing again as the year progresses.

I brought the plant in from the cabin a few days ago, but found incipient scale infestation, so I then put the whole plant outside for a couple of very cold nights. This is very much against the grain, as it is supposed to be frost tender, being a native of Australia I gather.

But it seems to have worked and the scale insects have withdrawn. I fear it is only temporary.

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