
By BikerJim

Dashboard Religion

When church services were over I walked across the parking lot, thinking about the past hour and all I'd heard and seen! A pleasant activity I engage in often, just thinking. Opened the truck door and slid into the seat. While waiting for the cars to clear out of the parking lot, I was still deep in thought.
Then it hit me, no Blip to post, I needed a Blip. God help me!
I think he heard my plea. This was the view out my front windshield!
A beautiful sunset, and my Rosary that hangs from my rear-view mirror.
Thank God. I had my Blip!

Compared to my last post ironically, this image took the least amount of processing (PS-ing). It also took the much less work to capture than usual.
Sometimes these things just fall into your lap.

Thanks for looking and
"Constructive Criticism Is Fostered and Cherished"

Here is the link to the original photograph.

1.75 hours
- See commentary here for explanation.

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